Friday, 29 June 2007

101 ways to use mobile phones in school

When I gave the letters to my base group to be signed by their parents and brought back, only two students remembered to bring back the letters, the rest I kept asking and asking every day, even asked them to write it down on their Contact Books; they still forgot.
A week laler, I asked some of them to get their mobile phones out and type a reminder for themselves, to put the letter in their bags before they go to sleep. Five girls did exactly that and handed the letters the next day.
I think that it is clear that although contact books are good for various things, there is room for the constructive use of mobile phones in school...
what do you think?


gita said...

That was a brilliant bit of practice that you infoed to us when stephen was in I have no doubdt that commmunication would improve dramatically ,exponentially

Theresa said...

Hopefully - if you can find us a cheap good mobile - we can have a great time accessing all sorts of projects around the school - Visual, wordy and exciting!

gita said...

hey, Ben, I forgot that I had done this before
I like your photo of the waterfalls
we must let the staff know of this
only problem with blogs is that you need time
many thanks

gita said...

only a year late